Is a Chipped Tooth an Emergency? 

Is a Chipped Tooth an Emergency? 

Chipping a tooth can be scary. Whether you bite down on something hard or you experience an accident, seeing pieces of a tooth come out of your mouth can feel terrifying. Should you grab your phone and call Naman Zia Ebrahimi, DMD for emergency dentistry

It depends. 

Is a Chipped Tooth an Emergency? 

A chipped tooth can be an emergency, but it doesn't always require urgent care. If only a small piece of enamel has broken off and you're not in pain, you can wait until the next available appointment to have it fixed. 

However, if the chip is large and causes severe pain, you may need emergency dental care. Dr. E is available for same-day appointments and can see you soon after your call. You can call him at (714) 957-1044 right away and tell him about your emergency. 

Signs Your Chipped Tooth Is an Emergency 

Here's how to tell if your chipped tooth requires urgent care: 

  • If you're in severe pain after chipping or cracking a tooth, it might indicate that the damage has reached the inner layers of your tooth. 

  • If your tooth becomes extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures or when you're eating and drinking, it might be an emergency.

  • Swelling in the mouth or face after chipping a tooth can indicate an infection that needs to be dealt with immediately.

  • If there is persistent bleeding from the damaged tooth, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

  • If the tooth feels loose in your mouth or has moved from its normal position, it's a sign you need immediate dental attention.

  • If you can see a significant portion of your tooth missing, or if the tooth has sharp or jagged edges, it's usually a good idea to get that addressed immediately to prevent further damage or injury.

  • If you can see the pulp after chipping a tooth, this is an emergency.

How to Manage a Chipped Tooth 

Here's what you should do until you're ready to see your dentist: 

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help clean the area and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Use dental wax or sugar-free gum to cover any sharp edges and prevent cuts.
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers to manage your pain.
  • Avoid chewing on the side of the mouth with the chipped tooth 

Are You Dealing with a Dental Emergency in Fountain Valley, CA? Call Us Now! 

Whether it's a chipped tooth, a knocked-out tooth, or severe pain, you don't have to wait to receive treatment. Naman Zia Ebrahimi, DMD offers same-day, after-hours, and even weekend emergency appointments for those dealing with an urgent dental problem. 

Call us at (714) 957-1044, tell us about your problem, and we will take care of the rest. 

For regular dental appointments, you can also contact us online

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